Good Friday marks a time for followers of Jesus to reflect on his sacrificial death. For over two thousand years, Christians have annually retold the story of Jesus’ final Passover meal with his friends, his arrest and execution, and then his resurrection from the dead. It’s a story bursting with good news about the love of God that can give us courage in times of uncertainty, and hope in the face of death.
Message from Tim Mackie:
Read & Discuss
Scripture Reading One: Luke 22
Jesus courageously entered into suffering and death, trusting that God’s purpose would be fulfilled through his self-giving love. The deep faith of Jesus, as well as the failure of his closest friends, offer us a mirror for self-reflection as we face our own time of testing and crisis.
- How is this time of hardship revealing the things you believe and value, both positive and negative?
- What could it look like to trust God’s self-giving love in this time of crisis?
Scripture Reading Two: Luke 23
Jesus is executed by religious and political leaders who treat him as a pawn in the power games of their institutions.
- What do you notice about Jesus’ words and actions during this intense scene?
Jesus treats every person he meets with respect, offering kindness and comfort to others even as he is being executed.
- Where are the places around you that you sense injustice and selfishness? How can you extend mercy to those places, whether in your own heart, thoughts, or actions?