In this week’s Church at Home, join Tim and BibleProject as we celebrate Easter Sunday and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
In the last few weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted our entire world. For most of us, this means we can’t gather with our local church community, so here’s something that could help. Below you’ll find one of our videos, suggested Scripture readings, and some discussion questions to use for yourself or with family and friends. This week’s video and Scripture readings focus on Easter.
Today, followers of Jesus all over the world are celebrating Easter. While many of us are used to going to church on Resurrection Sunday with masses of other believers, we may find ourselves confined at home this year. This should not deter us from celebrating the good news of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Two thousand years ago, Jesus claimed victory over sin and death by rising from the dead. He is our everlasting hope. Even in the midst of trials and trouble, Jesus teaches us to hold on tightly to his victory and celebrate together. As you go into Easter Sunday, know that there are millions of followers of Jesus celebrating his resurrected life today in unison.
Message from Tim Mackie:
Read & Discuss
Reading & Discussion One: Luke 24
For Jesus’ family and friends, the empty tomb and the risen Jesus himself were a shocking surprise. Despite Jesus preparing them for his death and resurrection, they simply couldn’t imagine how Jesus’ death fit into God’s purpose. Luke’s resurrection account shows how the only way to embrace the risen Jesus is to let go of our normal ways of viewing the world. Only then can we open ourselves to the surprising power of God’s love for our world.
- What do you think people expected Jesus to do or be like? How did he surprise them?
- What are some of the assumptions you hold about life, God, or your future, that could be keeping you from seeing what Jesus might be up to in your life?