Posted: March 16, 2020
Just wanted to give you a heads up in order to adequately prepare for what MIGHT happen as a result of the continued spread of the virus.
When the President declared a National emergency, he enacted the Stafford Act. Not only does this release funds to help, but it also gives the government the power to declare martial law and/or establish strict quarantines in order to stop the spread and protect the citizens. As a major population hub in which the virus is spreading at an alarming rate, NYC is a prime candidate for the quarantine to be established. This is NOT cause for panic, but an opportunity for prudent preparation. Two preparations in particular:
1. Have two weeks of food and drink supplies.
2. Credit card companies may suspend services, so have cash on hand
Please make us aware of any needs you may have. Pray together via FaceTime or phone. Share with each other what you are learning from Gods Word throughout this experience. Meditate on Psalm 91:1-16.
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